Whether you’re creating a brochure, a blog post, or a social media post, photos play a big role in attracting or repelling people’s attention. In social media, for example, posts with images get a significantly higher amount of clicks than the ones that don’t have any images at all. It doesn’t matter what your business is about, sooner or later you will need to include photos in your designs.
The best way to do it is by hiring a photographer. Besides knowing how to take great pictures, they can also make suggestions regarding style and concept if you’re not quite sure of what you need.
But, if you’re just starting, hiring a professional might be out of your budget. Or maybe some unexpected opportunity appears and you need to create a design «for yesterday» so you can’t wait until the photographer you want has some free time. Well, in any of those cases you can either take the pictures yourself, get help from a friend, or get some stock photos.
No matter which way you choose, here are some tips to keep in mind when choosing photos for your brand:
What are you trying to achieve? What kind of photo will help you with that? You need to make sure that the photo you choose will resonate with your audience and get them to do what you aim for.
Keeping in mind the function of the photo, now you need to decide which would be the best location for that picture. Will it be in an urban setting? In an office? Whatever you choose, make sure that it shows the vibe of your brand.
To attract your audience to your designs you will need to trigger memories, feelings, or thoughts. A photo will help you achieve that. By having clarity on who your ideal customer is you’ll be able to either create or choose the right picture.
If possible, don’t leave photography choices to the last minute. If you dedicate enough time to photography you will be able to create a visual system that is coherent with your brand and appeal to your customers.
Take some time to review your brand style, determine what kind of pictures you need to express that style, and choose the best way to get the most amazing photos to attract your customers.