The benefits of working with mood boards.

Are you in the process of creating your brand? Have you already done it? In any of the cases, you might have realized that the whole process takes time. And when you are in the initial phase, it is easy to doubt which way is the best to follow. That’s why, when working with clients, I usually start by creating a mood board.

What is a mood board? A moodboard is a collection of different visual and creative assets such as photos, fonts, colors, and textures that can help you create the vibe you want your brand to evoke. It will be the result of the brand concept you already defined which usually comes from your values and feelings.

Now, you might be thinking that if you already know what you want, the fact of creating a mood board is a waste of time. In my opinion, a mood board is a very useful tool, and here are some of the reasons why:


It helps you find ideas and try combinations that work and discard the ones that don’t until you find the one that reflects the concept you want to convey.


Sometimes we don’t find the right words for what we’re trying to express, so using visual resources can make this process easier and make sure that everyone is on the same page and understands the same thing.

Time optimization

Once your brand creation process is finished, you might need to create some collateral material. In that case, you can always use your mood board as a reference so you don’t get distracted by other possibilities that don’t reflect the vibe you want to show.

So, if I convinced you and you want to create a mood board either for your brand or for whatever new project you’re embarking on here’s what you need to do:

Establish the concept

Determine what is what you want this mood board to express.

Choose a platform

You can go old-school and use magazines, newspapers, and glue or you can use any digital platform of your preference (Pinterest, Canva, etc.)


Research and get all the visual resources that resonate with the concept you’ve already chosen.


Now that you have a good amount of resources, keep the ones that show what you want to depict and eliminate the ones that don’t convey your concept.

Organize your items

Now that you’ve left aside what no longer works, visually arrange the remaining items on the board until you’re satisfied with the results.

That’s it, my friend! Create your moodboard and, if you have any doubts, send me a message and we can work on it together.


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